Mini Storage Outlet supplied these mini storage buildings in Gate City, Virginia. Built in 2009 these Scott County self-storage units are about 175 miles from Roanoke and about 350 miles from Richmond.
There are three self-storage buildings in this complex each of them has desert sand exterior walls and a burnished slate roof. There are a total of thirty five Janus 9’x7’ rollup doors and four 4’x7’ walk-doors. In order to have a reliable vapor barrier, three inch (R-13) insulation was used on each of the roofs of this mini storage complex. Each of the buildings has a snow load of 30 PSF and a wind load of 90 MPH. The completed sizes of the buildings are: 15’x90’x8.5’, 20’x110’x8.5’ and 30’x90’x8.5’.
The self-storage complex was erected by Mini Storage Outlet recommended steel builder. For Virginia contractor call 1-800-486-8415.